Diamond Auto Collision August 9th, 2019


We were so happy to attend Diamond Auto Collision last Friday, August 9th, 2019 as a sponsoring vendor helping Caledon Meals on Wheels to raise the necessary funds to maintain their programs and services. It was also a good opportunity for us to take our message to the community and promote the Eden brand.



The Albion-Bolton Community Centre, located at 150 Queen Street South in Bolton, is the location for Diamond Auto Collision's 2nd Annual Car & Bike Show. This interactive community-based fundraising event is part of Bolton's Midnight Madness which attracts over 4,000 individuals annually. From Model T's to Lamborghinis, these automotive jewels will be buffed, polished, and on display along with so much more.



This event not only showcases some of the region's finest automotive technology but also hosts a variety of activities for people of all ages helping to raise money for an incredible cause.

Eden College provided mini manicures, head and arm massages, make-up touch-ups, and skincare consultations during the event. A hundred percent of all funds raised went to Caledon Meals on Wheels; an organization dedicated to caring for residents living in Caledon, Orangeville, and the surrounding communities. CMOW provides hot and frozen meal services to seniors, individuals with disabilities or chronic illness or those who have undergone major surgery. They also offer senior social and wellness programming and friendly visit services.

It was great for us to work together and help people in need. It was also a wonderful opportunity to get to know the community. We are looking forward to the event next year!